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Feeding For Condition

Forage - the FOUNDATION of Every Horse’s Diet

  • Forage (hay, haylage and grass) should be offered ad-lib to all horses, but especially those requiring weight gain
    • Ideally 2 – 2.5% of the horse’s bodyweight
    • NEVER less than 1.5% of the horse’s bodyweight
  • Fermented in the horse’s hindgut by millions of fibre-digesting microflora
    • The health of the horse is dependant on the health of their microflora
    • The health of the microflora is dependent on the type of diet that the horse is eating
    • Feeding plenty of good quality forage will help the microflora to flourish
    • This in turn increases the prospect of the horse gaining and maintaining optimum condition
  • Fermentation generates plenty of heat
    • provides the horse with his own internal central heating system
    • reduces the need for the horse to use up energy stores on keeping warm


You need to feed more haylage compared to hay on a weight-for-weight basis. This is because haylage is higher in water and lower in fibre than hay. As a general rule for every 1kg of hay, you feed you will need to feed 1.4kg of haylage to provide the same level of fibre, ie a 500kg horse should be fed a minimum of 7.5kg of hay or 10.5kg haylage

When should you feed a specific, high calorie conditioning feed?

Conditioning feeds are specifically formulated to promote weight gain and consequently have a higher digestible energy value than a typical cooling mix (12.5 - 13.0 MJ/Kg rather than 10MJ/Kg). So, when would you look at feeding one of these feeds?

Feeding for topline muscle
  • When forage alone is not sufficient to maintain body condition
  • When increasing the quantity of feed may compromise digestive function
  • When more energy is required for the work being done and the horse is not overweight

When choosing which conditioning feed to give your horse consider your horse’s temperament.

  • Some conditioning feeds contain higher quantities amounts of micronised cereals and starch
  • Extremely effective at putting on weight
  • The fast-release energy provided by the cereals is great for more laid-back horses
  • May not be suitable for horses that are naturally excitable.
  • For excitable or ‘hot’ horses consider instead feeds with
    • High levels of ‘Super-Fibres’ such as sugar beet, alfalfa, and soya hulls
    • High levels of oil
    • Lower starch levels

Top Tip

If you don’t know the starch level of a feed look at the ingredients list which will be printed on the bag or on a stitched in label. The ingredients will be listed in order of inclusion so if you see cereals in the first 3 or 4 ingredients that feed is likely to have a higher starch level than a feed with cereals no included or lower down the ingredients list

Should I feed oil?

Ingredients soya oil
  • Feeding oil is an excellent way of providing additional calories without increasing the horse’s meal size
  • Oil is 2.5 times more calorific than cereals
  • Ideal for all horses needing a low starch diet
    • Horses with digestive issues
    • Horses with metabolic disorders
    • Horses with muscle myopathies
    • Horses with excitable temperaments
  • However, 250ml – 1litre of liquid oil needs to be fed per day to make a difference to calorie intake
    • Feeding a ‘splash’ of oil won’t increase a horse’s calorie intake enough to encourage weight gain
  • In addition due to the way in which oil is digested and metabolised it increases the number of free radicals that are produced in the body
    • Free radicals damage healthy cells
    • antioxidants, such as vitamin E, must also be included in the diet to protect the cells from this damage
    • For every 100ml of liquid oil that is fed an additional 100iu of vitamin E should be added to the feed.

Did You Know?

There is an easier way of increasing your horse's oil intake. High-fat supplements exist in today’s market, such as Equi-Jewel®, which are pre-supplemented with anti-oxidants, to take care of the increased requirement for extra vitamin E when feeding diets high in oil. They are also more palatable and easier to feed compared to liquid oil.

What products from the Saracen range are suitable for aiding in weight gain?

Bag render condition improver CUBES

CONDITION-IMPROVER MIX is ideal for horses that can be laid back and need a bit more instant energy in their diet. Condition-Improver Mix includes micronised barley as well as highly digestible ‘Super-fibres’ and a high oil level. This balance of energy sources supports all-over body condition, muscle tone and stamina. High quality protein sources included in the ration support muscle repair and development when fed in conjunction with a suitable exercise programme. Equi-Jewel® has been added to the mix to increase the calorie content through its high oil levels, as well as providing a source of essential fatty acids to help promote healthy skin and coat shine.

CONDITION IMPROVER CUBES are, unlike many other conditioning, feeds on the market as they do not contain whole oats or barley, making them an ideal choice for horses that can get excitable when fed traditional conditioning feeds. Like with Condition-Improver Mix Equi-Jewel® has been carefully blended into the cube formulation to support a higher oil and calorie level. This is a non-heating formulation for all over body condition and optimal muscle tone.


RE-LEVE®-MIX is a high calorie, low starch mix that does not contain any cereal grains but provides a similar level of calories as a more traditional weight gain feed. The calories are provided by highly digestible ‘Super-Fibres’ combined with a very high oil level. The low starch levels make Re-Leve a suitable conditioning feed for horses prone to digestive, metabolic or muscular disorders. Re-Leve also contains a live yeast included at a rate that has been shown to help support feed and forage digestibility as well as maintaining a stable gut microflora population during times of stress.

Equi-Jewel® is a stabilized rice bran supplement that will increase the energy density of the ration, providing additional calories for weight gain and conditioning. The high oil, high fibre, low starch levels make Equi-Jewel® a perfect feed for supporting weight gain in horses more prone to fizzy or excitable behaviours, as well as those with an increased risk of digestive or metabolic issues. It is comparable to feeding liquid oil, but does not hinder forage digestion, is much more palatable, and is higher in energy (calories). In addition, Equi-Jewel® contains added antioxidants to support muscle health and development. You can adjust the amount of Equi-Jewel® you feed accordingly from a minimum of 500g up to a maximum of 1kg per day.

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